Once again, Sobul, Primes & Schenkel's co-founder and managing shareholder Rick Schenkel has made the Los Angeles Business Journal's list of the top 100 accountants in the Los Angeles area. Honorees were named for their ongoing efforts as outstanding financial stewards, exemplary leadership, and … [Read more...]
SPS Once Again Lands on Variety’s List of Business Manager Elite
Sobul, Primes & Schenkel's own Steve Levitt (Shareholder), Rick Schenkel (Managing Shareholder), and Marta Botten (Principal) once again made Variety's list of top business managers. Thanks to everyone at SPS and our business management department for providing excellent service to our … [Read more...]
SPS Named in LA Times’s Top 30 Accounting and Business Advisory Firms
Sobul, Primes & Schenkel is proud to be included in Los Angeles Times B2B Publishing's inaugural "Top 30 Accounting and Business Advisory Firms." This list ranks 30 leading firms in Los Angeles County by the number of CPAs in their LA County offices. B2B Publishing surveyed local, regional, … [Read more...]
Business Managers Guard and Grow Assets of Showbiz Stars
The current issue of Variety includes their list of Elite Business Managers. We are happy to share that SPS’s own Steve Levitt (Shareholder), Rick Schenkel (Managing Shareholder), and Marta Botten (Principal) were included on the list. Thanks to everyone at SPS and our business management … [Read more...]
SPS Partner Featured in Variety Article on Real Estate Investments
Sobul, Primes & Schenkel’s partner Steve Levitt was featured in Variety’s article “Biz Managers Advise Clients on Real Estate Investments Amid Shifting Market.” We want to share the article with you. If you have any questions or need any help, please feel free to reach out to us at (310) … [Read more...]
Newsflash: Summary of New Tax Law
Dear Clients and Friends, As you may have heard, the President signed and enacted the American Taxpayer Relief Act into law to avoid the “Fiscal Cliff.” The major federal tax provisions are as follows: In addition to the various provisions discussed above, some new taxes took effect … [Read more...]
Sobul Primes & Schenkel Mission Statement
A promise from our firm to our clients and ourselves You may have noticed over the years, our guiding values on stationery and newsletters such as, “Maintaining the highest level of service to our clients is at the foundation of everything we do,” and, “Freeing clients to pursue their passions, … [Read more...]
SPS Newsflash, Dec 2011
SPS Email Alert Dear Clients and Friends: In light of renewed attention and legislation surrounding the classification of workers, we want to share with you some important information. Determining whether someone you hire (or someone who provides services) is an employee or an independent … [Read more...]
Federal and California tax matters update
A follow-up to the recent letter we sent Sometimes letters can fall through the cracks. We hope that anything arriving at your house or office with a Sobul, Primes & Schenkel logo on it will be treated with reverence. But we’re realists and know that you may not always read what we send you. A … [Read more...]
Green is the color of many shades
Some ideas on removing paperwork from your life When it comes to going green, we don’t all have to be perfect to make a difference. The challenge is knowing what we can do effectively and how to implement the change. You may have seen an earlier article in SPSQ on how we’ve made some changes here at … [Read more...]