In the last SPS newsletter we discussed ways that we can protect ourselves when using services such as Dropbox “in the cloud”. But how is the cloud being used by SPS? And more importantly, what’s our accounting firm doing to protect our sensitive data? “The way that we use the cloud at SPS is … [Read more...]
Cloud Computing – The Future is Here
But Is it Safe to Put Your Business in the Cloud? No doubt many are unclear as to what “cloud computing” even means. A Wakefield Research survey revealed that 20% of respondents pretended to know more about cloud computing than they actually did and 60% suspected their colleagues were also feigning … [Read more...]
Green is the color of many shades
Some ideas on removing paperwork from your life When it comes to going green, we don’t all have to be perfect to make a difference. The challenge is knowing what we can do effectively and how to implement the change. You may have seen an earlier article in SPSQ on how we’ve made some changes here at … [Read more...]